Financial execution
Data analysis with a social inclusion approach
Throughout 2022, the UN continued to cooperate with the National Statistics Institute (INE, for its acronym in Spanish) to build the capacities of the National Statistical and Geographic System through various initiatives. In census matters, the Latin American and Caribbean Demographic Center (CELADE, for its acronym in Spanish) provided technical assistance to the INE to increase its analysis and data processing capacity. It also offered training on census information.
Another critical point was the reactivation and strengthening of the Demographic Statistics Subcommittees to address the systematization of data and information on the population with disabilities, adolescent pregnancy, vital statistics, the Afro-descendant population, and the indigenous peoples. These data are essential for public policy to meet their needs and demands.
Another result is the updating of vital statistics records nationwide. At the end of 2022, it was possible to update the data up to 2019 in 19 states of the country, and it is estimated that, in 2023, this process will be carried out in all the states of Venezuela with records captured up to 2022. This task included capacity building in INE’s local technical teams.
Leaving no one behind
Restoring livelihoods after the pandemic has been one of the most critical challenges. To reach the most vulnerable population, the UN supported the development of national programs to boost the competitiveness of 100 micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the food sector. Thus, 3,537 female breadwinners and young people learned a trade with this initiative.
Additionally, the UN collaborated with the Ministry of Popular Power for Science and Technology (MINCYT, for its acronym in Spanish) to rehabilitate eight community infocenters where 50,000 people were trained on digital tools for production entrepreneurship.

Life story

Although he did not want to practice this profession, he was forced by the pandemic to put his talents at the service of others. He created the business “Dulce pa’ Ti,” where he makes and sells cakes, sweets, and bread.
With the “Bakery” training, which the UN Development Program (UNDP) in Venezuela implements with Grupo Social CESAP, he perfected some bread preparation techniques and changed his business perspective.
“After the course, I put more heart and effort into listening to customers to find out what they want. I manage to make my venture different from others,” says Keiber.
Part of the results of his actions is that he has expanded the territory where he sells his products and now fills orders in other communities and states.